Marchman Act - West Palm Beach, FL

Watching a family member spiral in addiction elicits a yearning to help; to reach, grasp their hand and pull them out to safety. Oftentimes attempts are thwarted by the complexities of the disease, and hope of ever reaching them fades. When family intervention, pleading, and bargaining fail to convince a loved one to accept professional help, the Florida Marchman Act permits relatives to admit addicts into recovery through Florida’s justice system.
Marchman Act attorneys Rick Hutchinson and Kent Huffman know what it takes to help your loved one reach sobriety. Every second looms closer to the devastating outcomes of this disease; Call us today.

What is the Marchman Act?
Florida’s Substance Abuse Impairment Act (Marchman Act), enacted in 1993, governs involuntary treatment for addiction. Relatives or 3 adults with knowledge of an individual’s substance abuse may petition the court for mandatory treatment. The basis for commitment is that the accused has lost the power of self-control with substance use and has either threatened or inflicted physical harm on themselves or others. If they are not violent but their substance abuse has impaired their judgment to an extent that renders them incapable of appreciating the need for professional treatment, they may also be admitted.
How Does the Process Work?
After calling Hutchinson & Huffman Law to help file a petition and the court determines the accused to be admitted for substance abuse treatment, the service provider must:
- Ensure they meet the admission criteria,
- Conclude their behavioral and medical conditions are within the provider’s management capacity,
- Place them in the least prohibitory setting that meets their treatment needs,
- Determine if they can afford the services,
- Verify a safe environment,
- & refer them to a better facility if their medical or behavioral condition becomes more than the setting can manage.
Once admitted for involuntary treatment, only a qualified professional from the rehabilitation facility may release the patient without a court order.
Reach Out Today.
With over 40 years of combined experience, there are no better attorneys to ensure the best possible outcome for your loved one than Rick Hutchinson and Kent Huffman.
Find Hutchinson & Huffman Law, P.A. located on the Clear Lake skyline of downtown West Palm Beach at 500 S Australian Ave. Suite 600.